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It is important to conduct due diligence when selecting a detox program to allow for the most successful outcome.

Certain aspects such as service setting, duration of program, cost, living quarters (for residential programs), dual diagnoses/ specialized programs, geographical location, and aftercare network should all be considered when selecting a detox program. There are a variety of detox options available in Los Angeles, California, which can make beginning the search for a detox center seem overwhelming. Consider the following suggestions to narrow down your options and simplify the process of finding a detox center that best fits your needs:

  • Conduct a broad online search: to become aware of all the possibilities it can be helpful to research options online. There are several websites that have compiled lists of detox centers available in the Los Angeles (e.g., Psychology Today,, etc.). 
  • Ask for references: check with your primary care provider (PCP) to see if they can refer you to a detox center that they recommend. You can also call a hospital, mental health clinic, and/ or substance abuse and addiction treatment facility to ask for detox center recommendations. 
  • Understand the cost: the cost and fees associated with detox programs is wide-ranging, so make sure you are aware of your out-of-pocket financial responsibility. 
  • Note the geographical location: where is the location of the detox center and does your situation allow for you to either commute there or reside there?
  • Hone in on your needs: there are many specialized detox programs that cater to different populations (e.g., gender specific detox centers, co-ed detox facilities, detox programs serving individuals with a dual diagnosis, etc.). Narrow down your options by weeding out detox programs that do not specifically meet your needs.

An individual’s detox experience will depend on a variety of contributing factors. These can include one’s personal health history, the type of substance abused, the potency of the substance, the frequency of abuse, the length of time the individual abused the substance, if he or she simultaneously abused other substances, and the presence of any co-morbid disorders will all factor into one’s detox experience and associated withdrawal symptoms. Attending a detox program that can accommodate one’s nuanced needs is integral to one’s long-term recovery.

For Information and Support

Contemplating detox can be a very challenging time. Before any individual can begin to work on the underlying issues contributing to their substance abuse problem, they must be separated from the substances in their systems. If you are concerned for yourself or a loved one regarding substance abuse, and/ or addiction we recommend reaching out for help as soon as possible. The earlier you seek support, the sooner you and your loved ones can return to leading happy, healthy, and fulfilling lives. Sherwood Detox offers a stand-alone detox program. For additional information on detox, please do not hesitate to contact us at: 818-626-9959‬ or feel free to email us anytime. One of our trusted counselors is available to talk and discuss how we can best support you on your journey.